A Lemonade Story
It took a while for me to get here…
- March 2022: I learned I was pregnant for the second time
- May 2022: I felt a lump, that doctors felt wasn't an issue when I voiced my concern
- November of 2022: I welcomed the sweetest little girl into this world
- January 2023: the lump I felt began to hurt. I deprioritized a check-up knowing the doctors didn't see issue previously
- May 2023: I requested another breast exam. This time the doctor felt a large mass. After a mammogram and biopsy, I was diagnosed with DCIS
- June 2023: I had a single mastectomy. Final diagnosis: Stage 2 breast cancer.
- August 2023: Began 4 months of chemotherapy
- December 2023: Began 30 rounds of radiation
- March 2024: began 10 years of hormone therapy
I share this to show how quickly life can change, and how easily assumptions and misdiagnosis can happen within healthcare. This diagnosis taught me a lot. The importance of a healthy lifestyle, balance in what you do, the need and ability to advocate for yourself, being young with cancer, being a mom with cancer, the inequalities in the diagnosis and treatment of black women. But most importantly, that life is more than what you can see. I knew that I wanted to make this chapter count for something more than my individual journey. As I put in the time to treat, heal, and evolve, I realized that the constant that really carried me through my hardest days was my village who celebrated the small milestones in my treatment journey and helped me to find moments of joy in so many ways.
And today, I am so excited for the future of Spectrum Glassware. An idea that was born out of a personal journey, passion for my community and the health and happiness of black women. Through this glassware, we’re not only celebrating our moments of joy, we are also shining more light around the needed conversations to impact change for black women’s health.
Cheers to more life